Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Well - 3 full days to go until we know if it is a boy or girl! What do you think? I keep thinking it is a boy - but now I am just no so sure!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Richard & Angie

Our friends Richard & Angie married this past weekend. She was gorgeous! Congrats you two.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Josh felt the baby kick tonight! I thought he was going to get up & jump for joy! He is going to be such a great daddy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The FURminator

Kate has been shedding SOOO bad! Josh had seen this brush advertised in some magazines & maybe somewhere on the internet - he thought we should go get it. It is called the FURMINATOR! It was on "sale" at Rural King for $35.00!!!! We suckered in & bought has a 30 day money-back guarantee. I would have told you that you were crazy if you told me that one day I would pay $35 for a dog brush...but IT WORKS! It claims to rid 90% of loose hair from your pet. And I believe it. Josh is going to brush her out again soon. She started to get restless the first time.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby is on the move...

What was that? Was that gas? Oh - there it goes again! I am so elated. My little love is growing more everyday & now he or she is showing me some love & I FEEL it! I am so excited.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We're having a baby!

Well, the rumors going around that we are having a baby are true. We are due Dec. 31st & very excited. We find out on August 4th whether it is a boy or a girl. Keep growing baby in your prayers! =o)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

This is what I came home to after spending the evening over at my friend's house. Unlock the door - take two steps into the house & I heard the trickle of the water & my eyes got HUGE & my heart sank all the way down to my toes. Side note: Kate sleeps in the bathroom downstairs. She has a pillow and a blanket in the bathtub and that is her "bed". She had turned the water on just barely & she had stopped the drain with the little lever. So the tub filled up with water...THANK GOD for the overflow drain near the top or there would have been water all throughout my house on my hardwood floors! YIKES! The "thing" floating in the tub is her blanket.