Sunday, August 31, 2008

God's creation...

Another fishing adventure turned into a photo shoot! Anytime I take my camera along & we aren't in the canoe - this generally happens. But God has such a beautiful creation!

Look at all the little yellow bugs on this flower & around the catepillar:

Saturday, August 30, 2008


My sister's birthday was today & we had a party for her. By the way - She hates having her picture taken...that is why there are not more!

Friday, August 29, 2008

The "Stone's"

I love this sign. We pass it on the way to Louisville. I always want to stop & have our picture taken with it, but I never remember to take my tripod & no one ever travels with us. Maybe someday! It was super cloudy that day!

Clean up time...

I have been working on cleaning some old pictures & stuff off of my laptop - because it was full...yikes! I have been working on it off & on inbetween work shifts for 2 days now. I am still not done. But, I am getting closer and my computer is running faster now that I have cleared off about 15 gigs of "trash". I am off to work at the bookstore now...when I get back I hope to have time & energy to post a photo or two.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Isaiah Beacon Stone

Well - we finally decided on a name last night.........Isaiah Beacon Stone. I didn't know if this boy was ever going to get a name!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our camping trip...

We went on our annual camping trip Aug. 16th - 17th. The weather was perfect and we had a great time. Here are a few pictures. My dad has a few more on his camera - but he isn't here right now so I will add those later.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yucky ...

I have been sick the past couple of days with a cold. Josh has it too...fever, sore throat, ears hurt, sneezing & runny nose. YUCK. I slept alot. I feel a little bit better today however now it is night now & you always feel worse at night. So - maybe in the morning I will feel even better! You don't appreciate being well until you are sick...why is that?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My dad...

My dad is coming in to visit from Oklahoma! He will be here tonight & I am so excited! We are going camping on Saturday through Sunday. My niece, Jayde & possibly my brother, Paul & nephew, Hayden will come, too. This is our annual camping trip...last year we went to Peabody strip pits, this year we might go to Diamond Lakes, Windy Hollow or maybe even Rough River. I will be sure to capture some fun with the camera & share it with you!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our baby boy...

Here is a picture of our baby boy sucking his thumb during the ultrasound. In the image on the right he is looking up towards the top of the picture, his right arm & hand are coming up towards his face & he is sucking his thumb. I think he looks like Josh!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Just an update - WE'RE HAVING A BOY! We found out today that it is 110% boy! Now we just have to decide on a name. We have a few picked out - but nothing is solid. Thanks for all of your prayers & continue to pray for our growing son!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Awww shucks!

After church on Sunday we went to Josh's aunt Regina's house to do our annual duty of shucking corn. Several people came to help this year. We had a huge homemade meal with roast, potatoes, carrots, beans & corn bread, cabbage, comlete with 2 different desserts: peach cobbler & cheese cake.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom!

We had a birthday party for my mom today. Her birthday was actually July 22nd - but this was the first available date for us to get together. We had a great time visiting with each other, as we always do.

The story behind the candles:

My mom turned 55 (shhh - she will get me if she knows I told, he he). So Heather (my sister) & I realized we didn't have two 5's for the cheese cake. So we thought about how to make it work. 55 individual candles would be an inferno! So, we both eah one 3 and one 23+32=55. Or she could pick if she wanted to celebrate a 23rd birthday again or a 32nd birthday again! She picked 32!