Tuesday, March 31, 2009

UPDATE: Haiti Trip

I spoke with Josh last when he was on the plane in Miami waiting for take-off to Port au Prince, Haiti. They were all doing really well. I hope to hear something from him tomorrow. They will fly across the island in the morning to Port de Paix. I will update again tomorrow.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Last weeks view of my Cherry tree...it is raining today -
but if the sun pops out I will catch a picture of what it looks like this week.
If you scroll down to the post for Mar. 11th you will see the
cherry tree for the week before last.

Pastor John...

This is Dakota - a teenager that is going with Josh to Haiti. He came over to the house for a haircut. Then magically halfway through the hair cut he turned into the
younger version of our pastor John...

This is...The Indisputable...Inerrant...Life Changing...God Inspired...Word of God...
I Will Hear It...I Will Obey It...I Love My Bible...Teach Me Today, Lord. (This looks like a mug shot...I wonder what he went to jail for????)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to you...

Josh & I both have March birthdays. We celebrated our birthdays together at
my mom's house on Sat. the 21st.

Happy Birthday to you...(and no we are not pointing at Elmo, even though he is the object in focus in this picture!)


Welcome to my crazy messy world!!
I cannot live peacefully when my life is so disorganized...but things have been so busy lately while we have been preparing for Josh's trip. He leaves for Nashville Monday & flies out on Tuesday AM early.

Alana's Birthday Party...

Alana's birthday was March 16th - but she had her "Hannah Montana" birthday party on Sat. the 14th.
Jayde showing of the card she made for her sister:
She got a musical Hannah Montana card & she was singing for us.
Three CRAZY girls:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm still here...

Things have been CRAZY! But I have several pictures I need to post & I PLAN on doing it tonight. I am sorry I haven't posted!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Isaiah slept for 7 hours straight last night! That is the first time I have slept through the night in over 4 months. Felt wonderful. He has found his thumb and is able to pacify himself. I am so proud of my little man & a little bit more rested my too! =o) We are off to bed again - we'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring has sprung...sort of. My cherry tree thinks it has anyway. Yesterday my thermometer read 78 degrees, but today it didn't get above 38 degrees. I wish this silly weather would make up it's mind. You can see where the stems from last summer's cherries are still on the branch. "Out with the old & in with the new" paraphrase of 2 Cor. 5:17.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Family Reunion...

Josh has not seen or spoken with anyone from his father's side of the family in almost 12 years but this last fall he spoke with his paternal grandmother for the via phone. They talk every now and then. When she called in February Josh told her about his upcoming trip to Haiti & how we were trying to raise the funds for him & 3 others to go. She invited him to come down to Grand Rivers, KY (by Land Between the Lakes) to speak at her church "Grand Rivers Baptist Church". So, we made plans to go. Josh's sister & 2 kids even made plans to come. My dad, the three others going on the trip with Josh: Jimbo, Garry & Dakota, Lindsey & her 2 kids, Josh, Isaiah & myself met them at Patti's Settlement Restaurant for lunch at 3 PM. We had fun. It was awkward at first. But having so many people there helped keep conversations going & eliminate all the awkward "dead air" that could have occurred. So I was able to meet Josh's "Grandma Jo" & her husband "Haze". Of course, I have pictures of Isaiah with his great-grandmother. It was a nice day.

He loves his bouncy seat...

I need to post twice today because I missed yesterday.
I had the pictures to do it - just not the time or energy.

Now that he is starting to swat at things he really loves this seat.
I love it too because it is easier to take pictures of him playing when he is sitting up.Does anyone think he looks like a certain actor in this picture below?

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Here is a cute video of Isaiah from this morning.

Well - last night didn't go over so well. I think he must be going through another growth spurt. Because he wakes up every 2 hours hungry. I can't wait until he can eat rice cereal - they say that is when they really sleep through the night.

We shall see.

Hope you are able to enjoy this beautiful day!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Good night, sweet dreams....

I hope to sleep tonight. Isaiah has not slept well the past 3 nights. But he was awake nearly all day today with only a couple of very short naps. We shall see...we are going to bed now. I will let you know how it went tomorrow. "All I want is one good nights rest..."

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring is almost here...

I saw these pretty flowers in my neighbor's flower bed...every year they poke out just before spring, almost as if to say..."hang in there, spring is almost here." The temperature 2 nights ago was 13 degrees & now the highs are in the 60's & will be in the 70's this weekend. This little bee was clumsily flying around since it was still a little cool outside this morning. I am so happy!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cousins Jayde & Alana

This was Jayde & Alana's first time meeting Isaiah. They were so excited. I can't wait until Isaiah is able to get around & play with them. It won't be too long.

Jayde: Alana:

Monday, March 2, 2009

These pictures are not very becoming of me - but they feature a very handsome little man!
These are right after bathtime!