Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Music Man

It runs in his blood! He LOVES music. Instruments, songs.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My little helper!

He calls it "playing"...but I think he is "helping".

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Night, night

When Isaiah goes to bed he takes his bear, his fish & his car with him.
It is just too funny! Where did this combination come from?


Friday, January 21, 2011

Too big...

Isaiah was playing with some of his old toys that his brother plays with now.
Isaiah is too big for this but wants to play with it anyway.
I wonder if he remembers playing with it when he was Aiden's age.

Friday, January 7, 2011

More sickness....

Took Aiden to the ER last night with a fever of 104.4!!  The soft spot on his head was bulging! The "ask-a-nurse" hot-line at the hospital said it may be meningitis & that we might want to come to the ER. Well - they tested him & he has the flu. Isaiah & Aiden have both had it. Josh had a fever for a couple of days. I am not allowed to get sick!!! Trying to stay well. Prayers are appreciated for our littlest man! He is a great baby - you can tell he doesn't feel good, but so far he isn't super cranky or anything. Isaiah & Josh are much better. I am hoping I don't get it.

A surprise!

About a week or two before Christmas we had been given a gift certificate to Moonlite BBQ. One night, I didn't want to cook & we were all pretty hungry & were ready to go feast on some yummy food, so we started changing diapers, clothes, ect. Isaiah was SOOO hungry that he couldn't wait. So Josh gave him a small piece of a pumpkin roll we had received as a gift from our friend. After I finished dressing Aiden, Isaiah brought his shoes to me so I could help him get them on. I noticed some pumpkin roll to the side of his mouth. I didn't have anything really handy to wipe it off with so I just grabbed it & popped it in my mouth. WELL...It wasn't pumpkin roll!! It was a booger! YUCK!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Family!

Here is our family picture for 2010! Thanks Joanne!

Christmas at MaMaw's

We went to my Mom's house the day after Christmas. My brother - Paul, sister -Heather & their kids were there. It is always great when we are ALL able to get together. I only see Paul once or twice a year. Hayden, his son, is getting SO big!  He is going to be 12 this spring! WOW! Time goes by way too fast.

Isaiah & his "electric" guitar! He has an accustic guitar his friends gave him.
He wasn't really sure what to think of this toy.  He likes the "wammy" bar!

Cousins: Jayde & Aiden

Miss Alana, our super-star! (She just doesn't know it yet!) She has her own microphone & amp!
Now Jayde needs to learn how to play the guitar she got last year &
Isaiah can learn to play the drum he got this year
or his guitar & then we will have a band!

Isaiah & Aiden's aunt, Heather.

My Dad had to go back to Oklahoma on Christmas Eve & he wasn't able to see the grandkids. Sad!
So I took the gifts he got the grandkids to my mom's Christmas get together.
Hayden got a remote control car & Isaiah thought it was AWESOME!
Well we all did - we just got a kick out of the older kids driving it & Isaiah chasing it.

"Woah! What is this!?"

This picture was actually taken at my sister's house when she hosted my Mom's side of the
family "get together", with the aunts, uncles, cousins, granddad & the such.
I just had to share this picture - MaMaw's are GREAT story book readers.
Aiden loves books just like his big brother.

Merry Christmas

Isaiah had a GREAT Christmas! He got a "choo-choo" and a "choo-choo" table.
We have just as much fun with it as he does! The track is a blast to try to redo when he tears it all apart.
It never ends up the same way twice! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year - new resolutions...???

Well, everyone does it - even if secretly, making resolutions for the new year. Well - I am not going to set myself up for failure!  Although, I will TRY to post more on here. I need to challenge myself to take more "everyday life" pictures to capture the memories & share them with you. Even if they are not photo posts...I will try very hard to let you back into the craziness of our wonderful lives! Enjoy & have a FANTASTIC new year.