Thursday, June 24, 2010


We have decided on a name for our second little boy that is trying to come too early! "AIDEN" is trying to copy his big brother & come early. BUT - we are working very hard to prevent him from coming way too early. He is due Aug. 13th...and we thought we were going to have him last Friday, which would have been 8 weeks early. The doctor was able to stop the contractions & put me on partial bedrest. Hopefully, he won't be here until the middle of July...which would be 36 weeks & would make all the doctors much happier, us too. I am supposed to do only what I must...and recline or lay down as much as possible. I have cabin fever & feel a little overwhelmed with what needs to be done. I am taking it easy & trying to be "good". Josh, Matt & my dad (who is in town) - have been helping me keep track of Isaiah & his needs & anything I need done. They are working on refinishing the my house is kinda messy which means it needs to be more thing I am not supposed to do though! =o)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Fun

Isaiah really LOVES playing outside. Here are some pictures from a couple of weeks ago of Isaiah spending some time with his cousin Jayde.