Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Say "Cheese!"

My dad ; "Paw-Paw" made Isaiah this hat out of some scrap paper I had.
He thought it was great & just had to have his picture taken with it. It isn't a very good picture, I think I was holding Aiden at the same time which is not very easy with only one hand.
LOL - but it was funny just the same.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I fixed Isaiah a bowl of Cherrios for breakfast the other morning. A few minutes later I heard a litte thud & imediately following Isaiah screamed his word for mess, " MEAH"...he is missing the "s" at the end. I thought to myself, "What now?? Maybe he just dropped his spoon." But, he had dumped the whole bowl onto his tray & himself. His PJ's were completely soaked with milk. I must not have latched the tray very well, because he had it off & all the milk that was on his tray was on the floor with the bowl & spoon.  It was about a 10 foot splatter zone with it ALL over the legs of the chairs & table. A wonderul start to our day! =o)


I cannot believe I have not posted ANYTHING since the beginning of August. I feel so guilty for even those few out in the land of Internet that actually look at my blog & keep up with my crazy life. I am sorry - I really am. I will post some pictures in just a little while of an interesting moment we had a couple of mornings ago, well it was more than just ONE moment. Thanks for checking in! I will do my best to keep the viewing portal to our lives open at least a little bit rather than closing it completely.