Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Lunar Eclipse

The total lunar eclipse was awesome. I had to work through the first half of it but I did catch the last half. Here is what it looked like.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Game Night!!

The kids all had snow days from school. So they stayed all night at our house. We played Monopoly, Chess & Catch Phrase. Josh and I also played Jenga on Monday afternoon.


When will spring come?

This is the second winter storm we have had in the last week and a half. These are some pictures from the first one. Even though it is beautiful, it sure makes travel drangerous and it's really, really COLD!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's not exactly a red rose - but it is a "Passion" flower from my garden last year. Very pretty!

2007 Christmas

Yeah, yeah - I know it is Valentine's Day & I am just now putting Christmas pictures on here. I have been MIA for nearly 8 months.
Lindsey's Family:

Josh's Family:

Patti's Place

This is the beautiful garden behind Patti's Place. Looks warm. Right now there is snow outside. I am ready for some warmer weather! I miss seeing GREEN!

An update...(1 of ????)

Josh and I bought a canoe this past spring. We were on the water every chance we had! We had some awesome camping trips, too! We went to the Peabody lakes several times (only camped there once). We went to Kentucky Lake twice. Most of the local "water holes" around here are familiar with our Pelican (canoe). Jayde & Paige went with us to Peabody. Jake & Isaac went with us on one of the trips to Kentucky lake.

On the first trip to Kentucky Lake, only Josh and I went. We left in the evening Friday, July 6, 2007. We bought our Back-Country Backpacking/Camping Permits. Then we went to look for a place to camp. We couldn't find an access road to get us into the woods that didn't have a water filled pot-hole as big as Josh's pick-up truck. So since it was dark & MUDDY! We chose to pick an actual camp ground to pitch our tent at for the night & that we would find a place the next day. So we went to Smith Bay. We set-up camp & pretty much went straight to bed after eating a sandwich. The next morning we woke up at 5:30 am. Put the canoe in the water & went fishing. About 15 minutes later...Josh hooks into a big Large Mouth Bass. So he is reeling this fish in...and it is fighting. I had already reeled my line in & I am waiting with the net in hand to help him scoop up his catch! I noticed the sun was rising over the ridge at the end of the bay. And as soon as I mentioned it to Josh ... all I remember happening was my head & eyes pulling up and to the right. That's it! I had a seizure. (My first & 0nly one.) But by the time my head hit the water - I was unconcious. Josh said I looked like the Statue of Liberty, with one arm straight up over my head & I was stiff as a board. He said I turned purple. He said when I first started tipping over he thought I was joking - teasing him because of his big fish. Luckily my feet were caught by the handle at the front of the canoe & the arms on my chair kept me from completely falling first into the water. Since we were stayed at the camp ground the night before - Josh was able to yell at the other campers to wake up & help us. This husband and wife woke up (well I am sure most of the camp ground woke up - but I don't know). So - Josh called 911. The ambulance did not know where Smith Bay was & wanted to know if there was a way for us to meet them at Moors Docks & Marina. There was not a boat dock at this camp ground - but there was a boat ramp. So this guy - backs his HUGE (I did see it later) speed boat down the ramp with his SUV. He unloads the boat - loads us in. Josh said we were going 80 mph across Kentucky Lake. I remember waking up as we were pulling into Moors. Josh asked me if I was ok...and I said yes. He told me I had had a seizure. I said, "No I didn't." He said, "Yes you did." I started crying & apologizing. Showing that I was still just coming to, I asked Josh if Willie (our neighbor at the time) was watching Halo (our dog). He told me yes...then he told me an ambulance was coming to meet us at the docks. I told him I didn't need one and that I was fine. But, then again - I was still just coming out of it & had no idea what I was talking about. I was unconcious for 20 min. So we got in the ambulance & they start pricking me & proding me & checking my head was POUNDING! And all I wanted to do was sleep. At the hospital they did a CT Scan. They gave me this medicine called Cerebyx that made me break out in they gave me a little bit of it until I started itching and then they pulled it out of my IV and put a little bit of Benedryl until it was all gone. After it was all said and done with there - we went back to the camp ground and I slept all day long! We stayed because I didn't have the energy to get back in a vehicle & ride all the way home...I was beat! So the next morning we get decide we are going back home - we pack everything up. I had no energy & light hurt my eyes so bad - the meds I was taking absolutely knocked me out! We packed everything up and left. We headed to Benton - where we ate at Patti's Place. Yummy! (my first meal besides a few snacks since the sandwich on Friday night.) Then we headed home. Rough weekend. My seizure was on 7/07/07. And it is a day I will never forget.

I had an MRI when we got home. They found something so I had to go and have a second one done. They sent me to a Neurosurgeon. He said that I have an Arteriovenous Malformation or an AVM on my brain. Mine is cavernous - which is basically means I have a hole in my brain. I was born with it. They believe it bled which is why I had my seizure. The surgery risks outweigh the benefits so for now I am on anti-seizure meds. I couldn't drive for 90 days - which was a really big set back. When the Dr. in Benton, KY told me I could drive for 90 days I balled like a baby! My husband was burdened enough as it was - he didn't need to be my taxi to & from work or be doing my chores (bank, groceries, ect.)! But we survived. So that should bring up up to date on "some" of the stuff that has happened to us (most of you already know this stuff - but I had to put it on here for those who don't).

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The new additions to the family....Lilly & Kate

Kate is our new black Lab. And Lilly is our new kitty cat.
Both of their birthday's are May 1, 2007. We love our kids!

I'm back...again.

Well - that was a long, long, LOONNNGGG week. But - I am back. February now...but I am alive and things have calmed down to a degree. I only have 3 1/2 jobs now, instead of 4+ jobs. They are not near as stressful either.

So I hope to be spending more time on here and showing you what is going on in my life and keeping you updated.

I just have soo much stuff to do. But - if I must enjoy life too. I won't view this blog as another chore or something nagging in the back of my mind or on my list of things I "need" to do. If I am too busy I just won't post. If I have time I will. (This statement is more for me than you.) I do enjoy it though. I have been taking some time for myself and doing things I enjoy lately. Which is odd for me. I always am behind. But things are pretty much caught up. I still need to hang up some art & frames in our house (yes we moved almost 4 months ago). I have several pairs of pants that need to be altered to fit my short legs! =o) I also have the "normal" stuff to do.

Oh - something new! We have a unfinished basement at our new house. Right now it is full of my dad's belongings. We are in the process of moving those out to his place for him. He is working in Texas. But major improvements are happening! Once we get it emptied - we will start working to finish the basement out for a studio for my photography. I am not ready to go out and purchase equipment, but once I have a place to put & use it - I will work on that part. When you work different jobs with all different schedules - it makes it difficult to set up sessions. If I was off every Saturday or every week night to schedule appointments it would be really nice. But for now I just do small things here and there - not even enough to call it more than a hobby. But once I have a place I can use and leave up it will make things alot easier - and eliminate the time of setting up and taking down equipment at the studio at my church. Plus it will be a little bit more professional. And I will be able to use my own equip. and not feel guilty about using someone elses. But then again - who doesn't want their own studio??

Well, I already feel better for writting this blog. Even though it was more rambling than anything.

I will post some pics soon.