Saturday, December 27, 2008

I hope you had a a very merry Christmas! Sorry it has been a few days since my last post. Here is a little update: last night Isaiah weighed in 5 lbs 12.8 oz. That is just his body weight - no clothes or diaper & an empty belly. He has been eating ALOT & we believe he is going through a growth spurt. He is starting to get too long for all of his preemie clothes - but the Newborn stuff swallows him whole, but they are the right length.

But - he is 6 weeks old today! His official due date is this next Wednesday. So that means he will be starting his "developmental milestones" just like a full-term newborn. He should be about 6 1/2 weeks behind a full-term baby in his abilities & how he develops. I am so excited to see him grow. He won't be sleeping so much & he will start to recognize my voice better & start smiling at me & not just randomly! I love my little man so much! I am so thankful he is gaining weight. Soooo precious.

Josh survived a round of lay-offs at the Mary Kendall Home. Very trying times - emotionally. We knew God would provide - times like these cause you to completely rely on Him & surrender all plans, dreams, wishes...knowing God will make a way, but it just might not be our way.

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