Monday, October 18, 2010


I fixed Isaiah a bowl of Cherrios for breakfast the other morning. A few minutes later I heard a litte thud & imediately following Isaiah screamed his word for mess, " MEAH"...he is missing the "s" at the end. I thought to myself, "What now?? Maybe he just dropped his spoon." But, he had dumped the whole bowl onto his tray & himself. His PJ's were completely soaked with milk. I must not have latched the tray very well, because he had it off & all the milk that was on his tray was on the floor with the bowl & spoon.  It was about a 10 foot splatter zone with it ALL over the legs of the chairs & table. A wonderul start to our day! =o)


MandaS said...

Gotta love a good mess! Emma has the same high chair. How is the new little man doin?

Joanne Fowler said...

Gotta love being a momma! And if you still say tile is easy to clean up, then we're getting it! lol

Lindsey said...

Amanda - Aiden is doing great! Growing fast...maybe too fast!

Joanne - Tile is the best! I really do love my floor.