Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday & Saturday's events...
He is 6 1/2 weeks early...but he is doing well. I started contracrtions Fri morning around 1:30 or so...Called in to Dr. Kings answering service & they said I should go to Labor & Delivery. At 2:45 we arrived at OMHS. Once there we found out I was already dilated 3 cm & 50% thinned. They started me on Magnesium to try to stop the contractions & gave me a shot of steroids to help develop his lungs. The contractions wern't stopping they decided to send me to St. Mary's (Evansville, IN). By the time the ambulance arrived they checked me again & I was already 6 cm. Then they put me in the ambulance & we drove so fast with the sirens & lights going. Josh left ahead of us & we arrived about the same time. The Doctor at St. Mary's decided that I was too far along in the delivery to stop it. So they stopped the Magnesium. I stayed at 6 cm until about 4:00am Sat morning, which is about 21 hours. They had put me on Pitocin around 3:15 am Sat. morning and Isaiah's heart rate would start dropping about 3/4's of the way through each contraction & then it would come right back up - but the Dr didn't like that variation. So they took me off the Pitocin at 4 am & decided to just let it go naturally. So then the contractions became very consistant & stronger with each one. I think they were 2 min apart & more intense for each one. There were 6. On the 4th there was some pressure, on the 5th there was more & on the 6th my sister asked if it was ok for her to tell the nurse. So they did & they came in & said "No wonder you are feeling pressure ...there is some hair right there". They only wanted light pushing (couldin't push hard because of my Arteriovenious Malformation in my brain which caused my seizure & they didn't want it to bleed again). So they used forceps to help. One solid contraction & one push & he was out. But he was on oxygen for about 2 hours & then he started breathing on his own. They are going to feed him for the first time though a tube Sunday. He is doing really well - they just need him to eat like a full term baby. Once he is eatingon his own & gaining weight we will be able to take him home. I will prob be releaseed on Monday. I am doing well, too. Had a few stitches from a small tear but I am doing well. Thank you all for your prayers & we will keep you updated.
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