Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Late Tuesday night they removed Isaiah's IV!!! Praise the Lord! He gained 2 oz since his weigh-in Monday night. They said we should expect him to loose some weight at tomorrow night's weigh-in because they removed the IV & the IV board which had added weight that really wasn't his. We bottle fed him - he took about half of it & they fed him the rest through his tube. He was wide awake looking around & smiling - but wasn't interested in the bottle. They said we will try again with a bottle in the morning. He is doing really well. The pictures with the blue light are for a "Bili" blanket he has to lay on. They use that for Jaundice. But his levels were just a little high & his Dr. will recheck in the morning & he should be able to get off of that too.

1 comment:

Joanne Fowler said...

So glad you are doing better. I miss you so much! I've been sick and you all don't need that. He's so beautiful, I get all chocked up everytime I look at these pics! {{{hugs for you all}}}