Friday, November 21, 2008


Isaiah didn't gain any weight last night at his weigh-in. But he did eat pretty well with the bottle. I was gave him his bath, changed his diaper & fed him. I can't wait to do that every night. They do it here around 8 or 8:30 every night - but I can't drive for another week & Josh is going back to work tonight. We will be able to do it Sunday night though...because Josh will be off & we will have church & then Josh's family Thanksgiving & we will leave for Evansville after that. I loved giving him his bath! I was kinda scared at first - but I guess my motherly instincts just kicked in & I took charge. So incredibly wonderful to be a mom. He just smiles all the time. Especially when his belly is full! Keep him & us in your is really hard to leave our little guy behind. We are leaving for Owensboro around lunch-time today. But I know he is in great hands. Pray that he is allowed to come off of the Biliirubin (sp?) treatment today. His levels have improved everyday & we are ready for him to get rid of that silly blanket/light. It is so hard & he has to lay on it or it lays on him & he has to wear those funny goggles, but he likes to see the world! I will get some pictures of the 3 of us together before we leave today. Love you all...
His Isolette needs to be 28 degrees Celsius for it to be "room temperature". Once he can hold his temperature at 36 to 37.4 degrees Celsius on his own when at room temperature he gets to move out of his "incubator" and into an open crib.
Hello everyone!
Bili Blanket (for Jaundice)- he looks like a glow worm...

1 comment:

Joanne Fowler said...

The one where he's just barely starting to think about opening one eye (#6?) - he looks JUST LIKE HIS MOMMA. Right down to that little thing you do with your lips! haha! love it!